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    One-time payment ($111.00)$111.00
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    One-time payment ($222.00)$222.00
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Experience deep transformation in the shortest time.

                             One-on-One Sessions
Benefits of Intuitive Healing Sessions/ with Judy…

  •  Locate and heal your deepest pain. 
  • Uncover and release trauma/drama issues from your past. 
  • Make positive changes on a cellular Genetic level. 
  • Identify and clear unhealthy issues related to family dynamics. 
  • Dissolve low self-esteem issues. 
  • Connect at a deeper level to your Higher Self [HEART & SOUL] 
  • Bring awareness of your spiritual gifts. 
  • Heal ancestral karma. 
  • End the feelings of not being heard, supported and never enough! 
  • Open to trusting self and others Awareness of balance, mindfulness, and alignment in your life.
  •  Create new healthy patterns from a spirit, mind, and body perspective. Strengthen your ability to forgive and release your past.
  •  Raise your frequency to bring in more light to your cells and energy fields.
  • R.E.A.L. HEALING METHOD Sessions to experience deep transformation in the shortest time.



30 minutes $111.00

60 minutes $222.00

90 minutes $333.00

120 minutes $444.00


Join the Transformation!
  • Total payment
  • 1xSessions$0

All prices in USD